Our Services

Access to Partners & Resources

Specific activities we perform with regard to access to partners and resources: 

Looking for the right partners which will complement your skills and experience, with similar interests and values is one of the largest challenges organizations face. Additionally, next to people, capital is needed periodically to help you grow your business.Value Loops has an extensive network of individuals and organizations with capital willing to invest in a promising business.
The main question is: how to get investors, prioritize the invested capital and grow welfare to a high return on investment?


Here are the activities with which we can help you excel:


  • Applying for subsidies at local, regional, national or European level.
  • Engaging investors to get financial support from Angel Investors to series A.
  • Match-making, finding new partners for your initiative.
  • Supporting innovation development.
  • Outsourcing some of your operations.
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